Group (INRG)

Our Mission

The goal of this group is to foster interdisciplinary collaboration between scholars in the neurosciences, humanities and medicine. We aspire to synthesize frameworks across these disciplines in order to better understand the common threads that make life meaningful. The group meets regularly to discuss new ideas and foster collaboration. We offer a home and community for scholars and inspirational ideas that don’t align with traditional academic silos.


Group Members

Michael Jacob, MD, PhD is the director and a founding member of INRG. He is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at UCSF and Staff Psychiatrist at the San Francisco VA Medical Center. His interdisciplinary work investigates alternative conceptualizations of neural activity that draw upon music, the humanities and the phenomenology of experience. Learn More…

Parham Pourdavood, B.A. is an organizer and founding member of INRG. He currently works as a data science consultant for Human Energy and is a neuroscience research assistant at San Francisco VA Medical Center. His goal is to investigate the neuropsychological and social implications of a conscious realist framework that incorporates semiotics and dynamical systems theories. Learn More…

Matthew Rogers, is a Ph.D. student at the University of Minnesota studying personality neuroscience. He is interested in using Terrence Deacon’s theories of teleodynamics and semiotics to understand functional neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, with a special focus on the processes underlying emotion and autism. 

Rick Steele, MD is a psychiatrist and fully trained Jungian Analyst.

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